Wikipedia | Search for Giuseppe Tartini
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Giuseppe Tartini
Giuseppe Tartini (8 April 1692 – 26 February 1770) was a Venetian composer and violinist. Tartini's most famous work is the "Devil's Trill Sonata", a solo violin sonata that requires a number of technically demanding double stop trills and is difficult even by modern standards. (One 19th-century myth had it that Tartini had six digits on his left hand, making these trills easier for him to play.) According to a legend embroidered upon by Madame Blavatsky, Tartini was inspired to write the sonata by a dream in which the Devil appeared at the foot of his bed playing the violin. Almost all of Tartini's works are violin concerti (at least 135) and violin sonatas. Tartini's compositions include some sacred works such as a Miserere, composed between 1739 and 1741 at the request of Pope Clement XII.
Wikipedia | Search for Giuseppe Tartini

Wikipedia | Search for Giuseppe Tartini