Classical Composers ~ F
Faber, Johann Christoph
Faber, Nikolaus
FABINI, Eduardo ( 18 MAY 1882 - 17 MAY 1950)Urguayan=Comp-V
Fabrega, Josep
Fabri, Martinus
Fabri, Thomas
Fabritius, Ernst
Facco, Giacomo
Facoli, Marco
FAGAN, Gideon (1904 - 1980)SoAfr
Fagen, Donald
Faggioli, Michelangelo
Fahey, John
Fahndrich, Walter
FAHRBACH, Philipp (1815-1885)
Fahrbach, Philipp jr
Fahres, Michael
Faidit, Gaucelm
FAIN, Sammy (NYC, 17 JUN 1902 - LA, 6 DEC 1989) (Fineberg)
Fairchild, Blair
Faisst, Immanuel
FAITH, Richard ( 1926 - )Am
FAKHRADOV, Zaur (1965-)
FALCONIERI, Andrea (1586-1656)
Falckenhagen, Adam
FALL, Leo (1873-1925)
HREF="">FALLA, Manuel
de (man WEL' deh FY' ah) (23 NOV 1876 - 1946)Sp
Falu, Eduardo
FAMPAS, Dimitri (Lafkos, 22 DEC 1921 - 3 MAY 1996) Gr=comp-guitarist
Fanshawe, David
Fantini, Girolamo
FARINA, Carlo(c.1600-c.1640)
Farinel, Jean Baptiste
Farinel, Michel
Farinelli, Battista
Farinelli, Carlo
FARJEON, Harry (1878-1948)
FARKAS, Ferenc (1905-)Photo
Farmer, John I
FARNHAM, Walter Lynwood (1885-1930)
Robert (Toronto, 24 JUL 1917 - Gurnsey, 23 APR 2005)Can-Eng=Com-Con
FARRANT, Richard (c.1525-1580)
FARRAR, Ernest Bristow (1885-1918)
FARRAR, Orion R. (1866-c.1925)
Farrell, Ciaran
FARRENC, Jeanne Louise
(fah RENK) (31 MAY 1804 - 15 SEP
Farrenc, Louise
Farres, Osvaldo
FARWELL, Arthur (1872-1952)
FASCH, Carl Friedrich Christian (1736-1800)
FASCH, Johann Friedrich (YOH hahn FREE drik FAHSH)( Weimar, 15 APR
1688 - Zerbst, 5 DEC 1758)Ger
Fasy, Albert Rudolph
Fateev, Vadim
Fault, Francois du
Faulkes, William
Gabriel (gah bree EL' For A') (12 MAY 1845 - 1924)Fr
Jean-Baptiste (1830-1914)Fr=baritone-comp
Favre, Marin
Febel, Reinhard
Febure, Johannes Le
Fedele, Ivan
FEILER, Dror ( - )Swed.
Feld, Jindrich
Felderhof, Jan
Feldman, Barbara Monk
Feldman, Mark
FELDMAN, Morton (NYC, 12 JAN 1926 - 1987 )Am
FELICIEN, David (1810-1876)
Feller, Harald
FELZER, Oleg (1939-)
FENBY, Eric (22 APR - 1997 )Eng=Com-writer, Delius assistant
Fenis, Rudolf von
Fennesz, Christian
Fennimore, Joseph
Fenton, George
FERAGUT, Beltrame (c.1385-c.1450)
Ferdinand III
FERGUSON, Howard (21 OCT 1908 - 31 OCT 1999)Ir.
Ferguson, Ludwig Wilhelm von
FERGUSON, W.H. (1874-1950)
FERLENDIS, Giuseppe (1755-1802)
Ferling, Erik
Fernandes, Gaspar
Fernandez, Heraclio
Fernandez, Jose
Fernandez, Lorenzo
Fernandez de Huete, Diego
Fernandez de Santiago, Rois
Fernandez Hidalgo, Gutierre
Fernando, Jorge
Fernando, Sunetra
FERNEYHOUGH, Brian (FIR nee HUFF) (16 JAN 1943 - )Eng
FERNSTROM, John (1897-1961)
FERRABOSCO, Alfonso (1575-1628)
Ferrabosco, Alfonso II
FERRABOSCO, Domenico Maria (FEB 1513-1574)
Ferrandini, Giovanni
FERRADINI, Mario (1863-1907)
FERRANTI, Marco Aurelio Zani de (Bologna, 1801-1878)It=comp-G
FERRARI, Benedetto (1597-1681)
FERRARI, Fabrizio (1971-)
Ferrari, Luc
Ferrata, Giuseppe
Ferre, Leo
FERRER, Jose Esteve (1835-1916)
FERRETTI, Giovanni (c.1540-c.1610)
Ferreyra, Beatriz
Ferrieres, Guillaume de
Ferro, Marco Antonio
FERROUD, Pierre-Octave (1900-1936)
FESCA, Alexander (1820-1848)
Fesca, Alexander
FESCH, Willem de(1687-1757)
FESTA, Constanzo (1490-1545)
FESTIG, Michael Christian (1680-1752)
FESTIS, Francois-Joseph (1784-1871)
Fetherolf, David
Fetis, Francois Joseph
FETRAS, Oscar (1854-1931)
Fevin, Antoine de
FEVRIER, Henri (1875-1957)
Fevrier, Pierre
Fiala, Jaromir
FIALA, Joseph
Fiala, Petr
Fiamengo, Francesco
Fiamengo, Mathias Hermann
FIBICH, Zedenek (ZEHd nek feh' bic) (21 DEC 1850 - 1900 )Bohemian
Arthur (Illinois, 1871 - )
Fidde, Ross ( - )Australian Comp.
HREF="">FIELD, John (1782 - 1837)
Figgis, Mike
Figueira, Guilhem de
Filiberto, Juan de Dios
Fillmore, Augustus Dameron
FILLMORE, Henry (1881-1956)
Filsell, Jeremy
FILTZ, Anton (c.1730-1760)
FINCK, Heinrich (1445-1527)
FINE, Irving (3 DEC 1914 - 23 AUG 1962)Am
FINE, Vivian ( 28 SEP 1913 - 20 MAR 2000 )Am
FINGER, Gottfried (c.1660-1730)
FINK, Christian Gottfried Wilhelm (1783-1846)
FINK, Hans ( 3 NOV 1905 - )Austrian=Comp
Fink, Michael Jon
Finke, Fidelio F
Finney, Ross Lee
FINNISSY, Michael (17 MAR 1946 - )Eng
FINSTERER, Mary (1962-)
Gerald (FIN' zee) (14 JUL 1901 - 1956)Eng
Finzi, Graciane
Fiocchi, Vincenzo
FIOCCO, Joseph-Hector (1703-1741)
Fiocco, Pietro Antonio
Fiorenza, Nicola
FIORILLO, Federigo (1755-c.1823)
Firenze, Andrea da
FIRENZE, Gherardello da (c.1323-c.1363)
Firenze, Lorenzo da
Firenze, Paolo da
Firpo, Roberto
FIRSOVA, E (21 MAR - )Russ
Fischer, Ernst
FISCHER, Fred (1875-1942)
FISCHER, Jean (1646-1721)
FISCHER, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (1665-1746)
Fischer, Johann Christian
Fischer, Martin
Fiser, Lubos
Fisher Turner, Simon
FITELBERG, Grzegorz (1879-1953)
FITELBERG, Jerzy (1903-1951)
FITKIN, Graham (1963-)
FITZENHAGEN, Willem ( - )Cellist-Comp
FLAGELLO, Nicolas (12 DEC - )Eng=Com-Con
Flagello, Nicolas
Flaherty, Stephen
FLECHA, Mateo (1481-1553)
FLECHTENMACHER, Alexandru (1823-1893)
FLEISHMANN, Aloys ( - ) Eng
FLEGIER, Ange (1846-1927)
FLEGL, Josef (1881-1962)
Flem, Kjell
FLETCHER, Percy Eastman (1879-1942)
FLEURY, Andre (1903-1995)
Flies, Bernhard
FLINTOFT, Luke (c.1680-1727)
Flor, Christian
Florentia, Andreas de
Florentia, Ghirardellus de
Florentia, Giovanni de
Florentia, Laurentius de
Florentz, Jean Louis
Flores, Andres
Flores, Julio
Florian, Heinz Josef
Florio, Caryl
Flosason, Sigurdur
FLOTHUIS, Marius (1914-)
FLOTOW, Friedrich
Von (FREE' drik fon FLO' toh) ( 27 APR 1812 -n 1883)Ger
FLOYD, Carlisle (11 JUN - )Am
Flury, Richard
Focke, Fre
Focking, Hendrik
FODOR, Carolus Antonius (1768-1846)
Fodor, Carolus Emanuel
FOERSTER, Josef Bohuslav (1859-1951)
Fogg, Eric
Foggia, Francesco
FOGLIANO, Giacomo (1458-1548)
Folkertsma, Paulus
FOMIN, Evstigney (1761-1800)
Fonseca Portugal, Marcos Antonio da
Fontaine, Pierre
Fontana, Bill
Fontana, Giovanni Battista
Fontanelli, Lodovico
Fontei, Niccolo
FONTYN, Jacqueline
( 1930 - )
FONTAINE, Pierre (c.1390-c.1450)
FOOTE, Arthur (1853 - 1937)
FORD, Andrew (Liverpool, England, 1957)
Ford, Ron
FORD, Thomas (c.1580)
Ford, Trevor
Forest, John
Forestier, Mathurin
Foresythe, Reginald
Foretic, Silvio
Formosa, Riccardo
Fornaci, Giacomo
Fornerod, Aloys
Fornsete, John of
Antoine (1671-1745)
FORQUERAY, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1699-1782)
Forrest, George
Forsberg, Roland
Forsman, Kristina
Forster, Adolphe Martin
FORSTER, Christoph (1693-1745)
FORSTER, Emanuel Aloys (1748-1823)
FORSTER, Georg (c.1510-1568)
Forster, Josef Bohuslav
Forster, Kaspar
Forsyth, Malcolm
Fort, Bernard
FORTNER, Wolfgang (1907 - )
Fortsch, Wolfgang
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo
Foskett, Ben
FOSS, Lucas (LOO (
(15AUG1922 - )Am
FOSSA, Francois de
Foster, Al
Foster, Frank
Foster, John III
FOSTER, Stephen Collins (1826-1864)
Fotiadis, Stelios
FOULDS, John(1880-1939)
Fournival, Richart de
Fowler, Dylan
FOWLER, Tommy (1948-)
Fox, Christopher
Fox, Jim
Fox, Terry
FRACKENPOHL, Arthur ( - )
Frampton, Roger
(zhaun fran SAYx') Francaix himself says the pronunciation of his name is like pronunciation of the town of Aix. His family pronounced the x.(23 MAY 1912 - 27 SEP 1997)Fr
Francescatti, Zino
FRANCESCHINI, Petronio (c.1650-1681)
Francesconi, Luca
FRANCHETTI, Baron Alberto (1860-1942)
Franchomme, Auguste
Francis, Karen
FRANCISQUE, Antoine (c.1575-1605)
FRANCK, Cesar (SAY zar FRAHNK) (10 DEC 1822 - 1890)Belg
Franck, Eduard
FRANCK, Johann Wolfgang (1644-c.1710)
FRANCK, Melchior (1572-1639)
FRANCO, Hernando (1532-1585)
Franco, Johan
Franco, Miguel
FRANCOEUR, Francois (1698-1787)
Frank, Andrew
FRANK, Gabriela Lena Gabi ( Berkeley, CA. 1`972 - )Am
Frankel, Benjamin
Franke, Bernd
Franken, Wim
Frankhuijzen, Paul (1956 Nederland)
Franssens, Joep
FRANZ, Robert ( 1815 - -1892 )
FRANZ, Vladimir ( 1959 - )
Franzen, Olov
Franzl, Ferdinand
Franzl, Ignaz
FRASER-SIMSON, Harold (1878-1944)
Frederick the great
FREEDMAN, Ellis ( - )
Freedman, Harry
Frehner, Paul
FREIRE, Osman Perez (1878-1930)
Freisitzer, Roland
Freitas, Frederico de
Freitas Branco, Luis de
Fremart, Henri
French, Jacob
FRENCH, William Percy (1854-1920)
FRENSEL Wegener, Emmy (1901-1973)
FRENSEL Wegener-Koopman, Bertha (1874-1953)
Frenzel, Franz Xaver
FRESCHI, Giovanni Domenico (1640-1690)
Girolamo (jeh ROL lam oh fres koh BAL' dee) (1583 -
Read:"Fioretti del Frescobaldi" Marcon and Gaus, British Library Add.
40080 (Zimmern ob Rottweil: Edition Gaus, 1994)
Fresneau, Henri
Fresu, Paolo
FREUNDT, Cornelius (c.1535-1591)
Frey, Jurg
FRICKER, Peter Racine (5 SEP 1920 - )Eng
Fricke, Florian
FRID, Geza (1904-1989)
FRIDERICI, Daniel (1584-1638)
Fried, Grigori
FRIED, Philip ( 1955 - )Home Page
Friedlander, Erik
FRIEDMAN, Ignaz (1882-1948)
Friedman, Stanley Arnold
Friedmann, Carl Berthold Ulrich
Friedrich II, King of Prussia
FRIML, Charles Rudolf (1879-1972)
Fripp, Robert
Frisell, Bill
Frish, Jean Paul
Frith, Fred
Fritsch, Balthasar
Fritsch, Johannes
Fritz, Gaspard
FROBERGER, Johann ( 1616-1667 )
Frohlich, Friedrich Theodor
Frohlich, Johannes Frederik
Frohlich, Joseph
Froidebise, Pierre
Froleyks, Stephan
FROOM, David (1951 - )
Froom, Mitchell
Frost, Stephen
Fruhling, Carl
FRUMERIE, Gunnar de ( 1908 - )
Ivar (1950- )
FRY, William Henry (1813-1864)
Fryba, Hans
Frye, Walter
FUCHS, Robert
(1847 - 1927)
Fuchswild, Johannes
FUCIK, Julius (YOO lyooz FOO chick) (18 JUL - )Czech
FUCITO, Salvatore (c.1875-1929)
FUENLLANA, Miguel de (c.1500-c.1560)
Fuhler, Cor
FUHRER, Robert Jan Nepomuk (1807-1861)
Fujieda, Mamoru
Fujikura, Dai
Fukushima, Kazuo
Fulda, Adam von
Fulkerson, James
Fullman, Ellen
Fumagalli, Carlo
Fumet, Raphael
FUNCK, David (1630-1690)
FUNK, Eric (1949-)
Furrer, Beat
Furst, Joe
FURSTENAU, Anton Bernhard (1792-1852)
Furstenau, Caspar
Wilhelm (1886-1954)
FUSS, Janos (1777-1819)
Fuss, Johann Evangelist
Fusz, Janos
FUX, Johann Joseph (1660-1741)
FUZZY, Jens Wilhelm
Pedersen (1939 - )