Classical Composers ~ L
La BARRE, Joseph Chabanceau de (1633-1676)
Labarre, Theodore
LABITSKY, Joseph (1802-1881)Carlsbad (Bohemian)
LABSKY, Jaroslav (1875-1949)
Lacerda, Osvaldo
Lacerna, Estacio
LACHENMANN, Helmut (27 NOV 1935- )
LACHERT, Piotr de Peslin (1938-)
LACHNER, Franz (1803 - 1890)
Lachner, Ignaz
Lachner, Vincenz
LADMIRAULT, Paul Emile (1877-1944)
LaFANU, Nicola ( - )
Lafertin, Fapy
Lagoya, Alexandre
LAGUERRE, Elisabeth Jacquet (1659-1729)
Lahusen, Christian
Lai, Francis
Laitinen, Arvo
LAJTHA, Laszlo(LAHS loh LY tah)(1892 - 1963)
Lakatos, Roby
LALANDE, Michel-Richard de(1657-1726)
LALLIET, Casimer Theophile (Theodor) (lah LAY') (1837 - 1892)
LALO, Edouard (lah LOW') (27 JAN 1823 - 1892)Fr
Lam, Man-Yee
Lama, Gaetano
LAMARQUE-PONS, Jaurés ( 1917 - 1982 )Uruguay
Laman, Wim
LAMB, Joseph Francis (1877-1960)
Lambardi, Francesco
LAMBE, Walter (c.1450-c.1499)
LAMBERT, Leonard Constant (23 AUG 1905 - 1951)Eng
LAMBERT, John (1926 - 1995)Eng
LAMBERT, Michel (1610-1696)
Lambrechts, Jean
LAMBURN, Maria ( - )Eng
Lamond, Frederic
LaMONTAINE, John (1920-)
Lampadarios, Petros
Lampadius, Henricus
LAMPUGNANI, Giovanni (1706-c.1784)
Lampe, Johann Friedrich
Lance, chevalier de la
Lancen, Serge
LANCHBERY, John ( London, 15 MAY 1923 - Melbourne, Australia, 27 FEB 2003)
Lancino, Thierry
Landeghem, Jan Van
LANDI, Stefano (c.1586-1639)
LANDINI, Francesco (c.1325-1397)
LANDOWSKI, Marcel (18 FEB 1915 - )Fr
LANDRE', Guillaume (1905-1968)
LANDRE, Willem (1874-1948)
Landy, Leigh
LANE, Eastwood (1879-1951)
Lane, Philip
LANES, Mathieu (1660-1725)
Lang, Bernhard
Lang, Craig Sellar
LANG, David (1957-)
LANG, Johann Georg (1722-1798)
LANG, Josephine (1815-1880)
Lang, Klaus
LANGA, Francisco Soto de (c.1534-c.1619)
Langberg, Pieter
Lange, Daniel de
Lange, Gustav
Lange, Samuel de jr
LANGE-MULLER, Peter Erasmus (1850 - 1926)
Langford, Gordon
LANGGAARD, Rued (1893 - 1952)
LANGLAIS, Jean (jahn lahn glay) (15 FEB 1907 - 1991)Fr
LANIER, Nicholas (1588-1666)
Laniuk, Juri
LANMAN, Anthony (1973-)
Lann, Vanessa
LANNER, Joseph (1801-1843)
Lannoy, Eduard von
Lansky, Paul
Lantins, Arnold de
Lantins, Hugo de
LAPARRA, Raoul (1876-1943)
LAPICIDA, Erasmus (c.1445-1547)
LAPPI, Pietro (c.1575-1630)
LAPORTE, Andre (1931-)
LARA, Augustine (30 OCT 1897 - 5 NOV 1970)MEX=C
LARA, Isidore de (1858-1935)
LARCHET, John ( - ) Eng
LaROCCA, Frank (1951-)
Larcom, Lucy
LARSEN, Lars-Erik (1908 - 1986)
(Elizabeth Brown)
(Wilmington, DE 24 DEC 1950 - )Am
Larsen, Tore Bjorn
Larson, Chrichan
LARRSON, Lars-Erik (Vilner) (Akarp, 15 MAY 1908 - Halsingborg, 27 DEC
LaRUE, Pierre de (c.1460-1518)
Larvor, Francis
LASCEUX, Guillaume (1740-1831)
Laserna, Blas de
Laske, Otto
Lassen, Eduard
LASSO, Orlando di...or:
LASSUS, Orlando de (1532 - 1594)
Laswell, Bill
Latenas, Faustas
Latilla, Gaetano
LAUBE, Antonin (1718-1784)
LAUBER, Joseph (1864-1952)
Lauder, James
Laufenberg, Heinrich
Laurenti, Christopher De
Laurenz, Pedro
LAURIDSEN, Morten ( Ciolfax, WA 1943 - )
Laurischkus, Max
LAURO, Antonio (LOHR' oh) (3 AUG 1909 - 17 APR 1980)VZ=Comp=G
Lauterbach, Lorenz
LAVALLEE, Calixa (1842-1891)
Lavelle, Caroline
Lavigna, Vincenzo
LAVIGNE, Philippe de (c.1700-1750)
Lavotta, Janos
LAWES, Henry (1882 - 1967)
LAWES, William (1602 - 1645)
Layton, John Turner
LAYOLLE, Francois de (c.1475-1540)
Lazar, Filip
Lazarof, Henri
Lazkano, Ramon
LAZZARI, Sylvio (1857-1944)
Leach, Mary Jane
Lebedeff, Aron
LEBEGUE, Nicolas-Antoine (c.1631-1702)
Lebic, Lojze
LEBRUN, Ludwig (1746-1790)
Lebrun-Danzi, Franceska
LECHNER, Leonhard (1553-1606)
Lechner, Otto
Jean-Marie(jhan mah ree luh klare) (1697 - 1764)
LECOCQ, Charles Alexandre (luh KOKH)
LeCOUPPEY, Felix (1811-1887)
Ernesto (air NES' toh leh kwoh nah)(Guanabaco, 1896 - )Cuba
Lecuona, Margarita
Ledbetter, Huddie
Lederer, Joseph
Ledger, Philip
Leduc, Daniel
Leduc, Jacques
LEDUC, Simon (c.1748-1777)
Leemans, Hebert
Leenhouts, Paul
LEES, Benjamine (8 JAN - )Am
LEEUW, Reinbert de (1938-)
LEEUW, Ton de (1926-1996)
LeFANU, N (28 APR - )Eng
Lefebure, Johannes
LEFEBURE-WELY, Louis Alfred James (1817-1870)
Lefebvre, Claude
LEFEBVRE, Charles Edoaurd (1843-1917)
Lefevre, Jean Xavier
LeFLEM, Paul (1881 - 1984)
LEGLEY, Victor (1915-)
Legnani, Luigi
Legrady, Thomas
LEGRAND, Michel (1932-)
LEGRENZI, Giovanni (1626-1690)
Leguerney, Jacques
LEHAR, Franz (LAY har) (30 APR 1870 - 24 OCT 1948)Hung
LEHMANN, Liza Nina Mary Frederica (1862-1918)
Lehrndorfer, Franz
LEIBOWITZ, Rene (reh NAY LY boh vits) ( 1913 - 1972?72) male singer-comp
LEIDING, Georg Dietrich (1664-1710)
LEIFS, Jon (1899-1968)Icel.
LEIGH, W (22 JUN - )Eng
LEIGHTON, Kenneth (Britain-)
LEISNER, David (1953-)
LeJEUNE, Claude (1528-1600)
LEKEU, Guillaume (1870 -1894)
Lema, Ray
Lemacher, Heinrich
LEMARE, Edwin Henry (1865-1934)
LEMBA, Artur (1885-1960)
LEMBCKE, Gustav Adolph (1844-1899)
Lemckert, Johann
LEMIRE, Jean-Baptiste (1867-1945)
LEMMENS, Jaak Nikolaas (1823-1881)
LEMLIN, Lorenz (c.1495-1539)
Lena, Battista
Lendvai, Erwin
Lenski, Adriaan
Lentz, Daniel
LENTZ, Georges ( 1965 - )
LENTZ, Johan Nicolaas (appr. 1720-1782)
LEO, Leonardo (LAY oh nar doh LAY' oh) (5 AUG 1694 - 1744 )It=Com-Organist
LEON, Tania ( - )
LEOFFLER, Charles Martin (LEHF ler)
Leonarda, Isabella
Leonardo, Umberto
LEONCAVALLO, Ruggiero [Ruggero] (roo JEH roh lay OHN kah vahl oh)(8
MAR 1857 - 1919)It
Leone, Gabriele
LEONI, Franco (1864-1949)
LEONI, Leone (c.1560-1627)
LEONTOVYCH, Mykola Dmytrovich (1877-1921)
Leopold I, Emperor of Austria
Leopolita, Martin
Leoz, Jesus Garcia
LERICH, Pierre (1937 - ) FR= Comp
Lerinckx, Jos
LeROUX, Gaspard (gas pahr leh roo)
LEROUX, Xavier Napoleon (1863-1919)
LeROY, Adrien (c.1520-1598)
Lesage, Jean
LESCHETIZKY, Theodor (TAY oh door leh sheh TIHT skee)(1830 - 1915)
Lescurel, Jehan de
LESLIE, Henry David (1822-1896)
LESSEL, Franciszek (1780-1838)
Lestrange, Nicholas
LESUEUR, Jean Francois (1760 - 1837)
Lesur, Daniel
Levenson, Boris
LEVERIDGE, Richard (c.1670-1758)
Leviev, Milcho
Levinas, Michael
Levitan, Daniel
LEVITSKI, Mischa (1899 - 1941 )
Levy, Fabien
LEVY, Jules (1838-1903)
Levy, Krishna
Levy, Michel Maurice
Lewandowski, Louis
LEWKOVITCH, Bernhard (1927 - )
Lewis, Andrew
Lewis, George I
Lewis, John
Lewis, Meade Lux
Lewis, Paul
Lewis, Robert Hall
Lewkovitch, Bernhard
LEY, Henri George (1887-1962)
Leybach, Ignace Xavier Joseph
LHERITIER, Jean (c.1480-c.1553)
LHOTKA, E (25 DEC - )Croatian
Lhoir, Bernard
Lhotka, Fran
Li, Huanzhi
Li, Minnxiong
Anatole (AHN ah toll lee AH' dof) (1855 - 1914)
Liao, Chang Bing
LIAPUNOV, Sergei Michailovich (1859 - 1924)
Liardet, Jean Paul
LIAS, Stephen (1966-)
Liatoshinsky, Boris
Liban, Jerzy
Liberda, Bruno
Libero Castro, Henricus de
Libert, Gautier
LICHTENSTEIN, Harvey ( - )
Lichnowsky, Moritz von
Lichtveld, Lou
Lickl, Johann Georg
Lidarti, Christian Joseph
Liddell, Claire
Liddle, Samuel
Lidholm, Ingvar
LIDON, Jose (1752-1827)
Lie, Harald
LIE, Sigurd (1871-1904)
LIEBERMANN, Lowell (NYC, - )
LIEBERMANN, Rolf (Zurich, 14 SEP 1910 - 1 JAN 1999)Swiss
Lieberson, Peter
Liebman, David
Liedes, Anna-Kaisa
Liehmann, Antonin
LIER, Bertus van(1906-1972)
Lieske, Wulfin
LIEURANCE, Thurlow Weed (1878-1963)
Ligeika, Kestunis
LIGETI, Gyorgy (LIH geh tee)(28 MAY 1923 - )Hung
- HREF="">Ligeti,
Sony Classical - Bio
Lijnschoten, Henk van
LILBURN, Douglas Gordon (2 NOV 1915 - )NZ
Lilien, Ignace
Lim, Liza
Lima, Candido de
Linares, Carmen
LINCK, Carl Emile Paul (1866-1946)
Lindberg, Christian
LINDBERG, Magnus ( - )
LINDBERG, Oscar (1887 - 1955)Swed Church music com
LINDBLAD, Adolf Fredrik (1809-1864)
Lindborg, Per Magnus
LINEK, Johann Georg (c.1680-1737)
Linden, Dolf van der
LINDENFELD, Harris ( - )
Lindpaintner, Peter Joseph von
Lindsay, Arto
Linek, Jiri Ignac
LINLEY, Thomas (1733-1795)
LINLEY, Thomas II (1756-1778)
LINLEY, William (1771-1835)
Lingo, Victor
Link, Harry
Link, Joachim Dietrich
Linkels, Ad
Linko, Ernst
Linkola, Jukka
Linley, Thomas sr
Linley, Thomas jr
Linley, William
Linnala, Eino
Lionheart, Richard
Lipinsky, Karl Joseph
Lipovsek, Marijan
Lisinski, Vatroslav
LISSANT-COLLINS, Henry (1880 - 1941)
Liste, Anton
LISZT, Franz (list) (22 OCT 1811- 1886)Hung Children: 1-Blandine (Born in
Geneva, married Olivier a French lawyer and diplomat; she died in childbirth. 2-Daniel, student and musician died at 20 of TB. 3-Cosima who at 19
married HANS VON BULOW (A student of F Liszt) and left him for much older
Liszt, Franz
- Liszt Memorial Museum -
Museum in Budapest is the reconstruction of his last home, where he lived and
taught from 1881 to 1886. Includes contact details. -
Liszt, Franz -
Biography and List of Works -
Classical Net provides a biography and a list of compositions authored by the
Hungarian composer and virtuoso pianist.
- Liszt, Franz - Classical
Music -
Introductory guide to the composer features some detailed examinations of his
music, with a listing of selected recordings. -
Liszt, Franz - The Franz
Liszt Page -
Extensive information on this composer for the piano, including recommended
recordings and performances by today's top interpreters of his music.
- BOOKS about LISZT:
Franz Liszt: The Virtuoso Years, 1811-1847 --
Alan Walker; Paperback
Complete Etudes for Solo Piano, Series I :
Including the Transcendental Etudes
-- Franz Liszt, Ferruccio Busoni (Editor); Paperback
Franz Liszt -- J. G. Huneker; Hardcover
1001 Ways to Be Romantic - The Music of Liszt and others
The Best of Liszt / Misha Dichter -- Franz Liszt(Composer), Misha Dichter (Performer); AudioCD
Litaize, Gaston
Literes, Antonio
Lithander, Carl Ludvig
LITOLFF, Henry Charles (LIH' tolf) (6 FEB 1818 - 6 AUG 1891)Eng
Little, Booker
Little, David
Litzau, Johannes Barend
Liu, Feng-jing
Liu, Weikang
Liu, Wenjin
LIU, Zhuang (lyoo jwang)
Vicente (Valencia, 19 NOV 1870)Sp
LLOBET, Miguel (1878-1938)
Llossas, Juan
Lloyd, Charles
LLOYD, Charles Harford (1849-1919)
LLOYD, Gerald ( - )
(27 JUN 1913 - 3 JUL 1998)Eng
LLOYD, John (30 SEP 1475 - 1523 )Eng
Lloyd, Richard
William and MusicWebsite
Llull, Ramon
LOBO, Alonso (c.1555-1617)
LOBO, Duarte (c.1565-1646)
Pietro Antonio (law kah TEL' ee) (1695 - 1764)
LOCKE, Matthew (1621 - 1677)
Lockheart, Mark
LODER, Edward James (1813-1865)
Loduca, Joseph
LODYZHENSKY, Nikolay Nikolayevitch (1843-1916)
Loeb, David
LOEFFLER, Charles Martin (LUF lur) (1861-1935)
LOEILLET, Jacques (1685-1748)
LOEILLET, Jean-Baptiste (LEH' yay) (1680 - 1730)
LOEVENDIE, Theo (TAY oh loo VEHN dee) ( 1930 - )
LOEWE, Carl (30 NOV 1796 - 1869 )Ger
Logghe, Geert
LOGOSCINO, Bonifacio Nicola (c.1698-1765)
Logothetis, Anestis
Logy, Johann Anton
Lohmann, Adolf
LOHR, Hermann Frederic (1872-1944)
Lohr, Ina
Lokshin, Alexander
Lolli, Antonio
Lolli, Giuseppe Francesco
LOMAKIN, Gavriil Yakomovich (1812-1885)
Lomax, Alan
Lombardi, Luca
Lombardini, Maddalena
Lombardo, Carlo
Lonati, Carlo Ambrogio
London, Frank
Longo, Achille
Longstaff, Edward
Lonque, Georges
Lonquich, Heinz Martin
LOOMIS, Harvey Worthington (1865-1930)
Looten, Christophe
Looy, Jos van
LOPATNIKOFF, Nikolai (LOH PAT nee kof)
Lope, Santiago
LOPEZ Buchardo, Carlos (1881-1948)
LOPEZ Capillas, Francisco (c.1615-1673)
Lopez, Felix Maximo
Lopez, Francis
Lopez, Francisco III
Lopez, Miguel
Lopez Graca, Fernando
LO PRESTI, Ronald (Williamstown, MA 1933 - )Am A graduate of the Eastman School of Music and a former Ford Foundation composer-in-residence. He has taught at Texas Technical University, Indiana State College, and music faculty of Arizona State University. A recipient of several Ford Foundation grants to young American composers.
Loqueville, Richard de
LORENTZEN, Bent (1935 - )
Lorenzani, Paolo
Lorenziti, Joseph Antoine
Lorenzo, Leonardo de
LORTZING, Albert (LORTS ing) (1801 - 1851)
Losada, Francisco
Losy, Jan Antonin
Lotis, Theodoros
Lotter, Adolph
LOTTI, Antonio (LOH tee) (1667 - 1740)
Lotz, Hans Georg
LOUEL, Jean (1914-)
LOUIE, Alexina ( - )
Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia
LOURIE, Arthur Vincent (1892-1966)
Lovano, Joe
LOVATT, Samuel Ernest (1877-1954)
LOVENSKIOLD, Herman Severin (1815-1870)
LOVREGLIO, Donato (1841-1907)
LUBECK, Ernst (1827-1876)
LUBECK, Vincenz (1654-1740)
Lublin, Jan de
Lucas, Adrian
Lucchesi, Andrea
Lucchinetti, Giovanni
Lucia, Paco de
Lucic, Franjo
Lucier, Alvin
Ludford, Nicholas
Ludig, Mihkel
Ludwig, Marcus
Ludwig, Peter
LUDWIG, Thomas ( - )
LUEDEKE, Raymond ( - )
LUENGEN, Ramona (1960-)
LUENING, Otto (LEW ning) (15 JUN 1900 - )
LUIGINI, Alexandre (ah lex AHN dr loo ee GEE nee) (1850 - 1906)
Lukacic, Ivan
Lukas, Zdenek
Lukaszewski, Pawel
Lullus, Raymondus
Jean Baptiste (Loo LEE') (28 NOV -1632 - 1687)It-Fr
LUMBYE, Hans Christian (1810-1874)
LUNA, Pablo
(Alhama de Aragon, 21 MAY 1879 - 1942)Sp
LUNAIRE, Pierotte
Lund, Erik
Lundgren, Stefan
Lundin, Bengt
Lundquist, Torbjorn Iwan
LUPI, Johannes (c.1506-1539)
LUPO, Thomas (c.1571-1627)
LURANO, Philippo de (c.1475-c.1521
Lurie, Evan
Lurie, John
Lustig, Jacob Wilhelm
LUTHER, Martin (Eisleben, 10 NOV 1483 - 18 FEb 1546)Ger=Com-hymnsHREF="">
Selected Works
Lutkemann, Paul
LUTOSLAWSKI, Witold (VEE' told loo tah SLAF skee) (25 JAN 1913 - 1994)Pol
LUTYENS, (Dame) Elisabeth (9 JUL 1906 - 1984 )Eng
Lutz, Alfred
Lutzenberger, padre Ambros
Lutzow Holm, Ole
LUTZ-RIJEKA, Wilhelm (1955-)
LUYTON, Karel (1556-1620)
LUZZASCHI, Luzzasco (c.1545-1607)
LVOV, Alexis Feodorovich (1798-1872)
Lwowczyk, Marcin
LYADOV, Anatolii (1855-1914)
LYAPUNOV, Sergei (1859-1924)
LYATOSHYNSKY, Boris (lyah toh SHIN skee)
Lybin, Dmitri
Lyon, David
Lysenko, Mykola
LYSIGHT, Michel (1958 - )
Lyudkevych, Stanislav